
The Application of DCPTA

Advantages of DCPTA:

1. broad spectrum, high efficiency, low toxicity, no residue, no pollution

2. Enhance photosynthesis and promote nutrient absorption

3. strong seedling, strong rod, enhance stress resistance

4. keep flowers and fruits, improve the fruit setting rate

5. Improve quality

6. Elongated fruit

7. Promote the growth of roots and tubers and increase yieldt049234855e71e34d98

Application technology of DCPTA:

1. DCPTA is used as a synergist mixed with fertilizer

DCPTA can be applied in combination with fertilizer. DCPTA raw powder has good water solubility and fast dissolution rate in water. It can be directly mixed and used with a large number of elemental fertilizers, compound fertilizers, a large number of elemental liquid fertilizers, trace element fertilizers (powder or water), amino acid fertilizers (water or powder), humic acid fertilizers (powder or water or paste fertilizers), and has stable properties. After application, it is directly absorbed by the root, stem or leaf of the crop, acts on the nucleus of the crop, stimulates the absorption of fertilizer by the crop, improves the fertilizer efficiency, improves the fertilizer utilization rate, and makes the fertilizer effect more rapid, does not require organic solvents and additives, and can be stored for a long time. DCPTA belongs to organic amines, which can be complex with the essential trace elements of crops such as iron, zinc, copper and manganese to better promote the absorption of trace elements by crops, improve the assimilation ability of plants, accelerate the absorption and utilization of fertilizers by plants, increase the utilization rate of fertilizers by more than 30%, reduce the loss of fertilizers in soil, and reduce the harm caused by fertilizer loss to the environment. It also improves crop yield and fruit quality.

2. DCPTA is used as a synergist and a fungicide

DCPTA can improve the drought resistance, flood resistance and other stress resistance of crops, and DCPTA can stimulate the nucleus of crops to produce stronger immunity. Only if the immunity of the crop is improved, the crop can be less sick or not sick. DCPTA has two dosage forms, crude oil can be mixed with various emulsified oil products, and the original powder can be used with fungicide powder, water agent, granule and other dosage forms

The combination can improve the self-immunity of crops while sterilizing, so that the fungicide has faster effect, longer duration and better apparent effect. The results show that DCPTA can inhibit and control many plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses.

3. DCPTA is used as herbicide antidote

A large number of field experiments have proved that DCPTA can accelerate the recovery of crops contaminated by herbicides, reduce the impact of herbicides to a very low level, and reduce the loss or no loss caused by herbicides. Combined with herbicide, it can effectively prevent crop poisoning without reducing the effect of herbicide, so that the herbicide can be used safely. For crops that have been poisoned, DCPTA can be used to detoxify, so that crops can be quickly restored to life and reduce economic losses.

4. Use method and usage of DCPTA

4.1 DCPTA alone using DCPTA raw powder can be directly made into a variety of liquid and powder, the concentration according to the need to adjust, the leaf spraying in the range of 5~40mg/L(ppm) can achieve a good effect, of which 20~30mg/L(ppm) effect is best.

4.2 DCPTA is used in combination with fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides

DCPTA is used in combination with fungicides, insecticides and herbicides, and the effect is good at 20mg/L(ppm).

DCPTA is used in combination with fertilizer, and the recommended dosage of base application and flushing application is 5-15g/ mu.

Post time: Sep-10-2024