
Application of Pyriproxyfen CAS 95737-68-1

Pyriproxyfen is benzyl ethers disrupt insect growth regulator. It is a juvenile hormone analogues new insecticides, with the uptake transfer activity, low toxicity, persistence of long, crop safety, low toxicity to fish , little impact on the ecological environment characteristics. For whitefly, scale insects, moth, beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua, pear psylla, thrips, etc. have a good effect, but the product of flies, mosquitoes and other pests has good control effect.



1.For the control of public health pests. Phenylethers are insect growth regulators, which are inhibitors of chitosan synthesis of juvenile hormone type. It can also control sweet potato whitefly and scale insect.

2. Phenylethers are insect growth regulators, which are inhibitors of chitosan synthesis of juvenile hormone type. It has the characteristics of high efficiency, low dosage, long duration, safety to crops, low toxicity to fish and little impact on ecological environment. It can be used to control homoptera, thysanoptera, diptera, lepidoptera pests. Its inhibitory effect on insects is manifested in affecting the molting and reproduction of insects. For mosquito and fly health pests, low dose of this product can cause death at the pupation stage and inhibit the formation of adult larvae. When used, the granules should be applied directly to sewage ponds or scattered on the surface of mosquito and fly breeding areas. It can also control sweet potato whitefly and scale insect. Pyrifen also has endosorption transfer activity, which can affect the larvae hidden on the back of the leaves.

Post time: Aug-16-2024