

Fly, (order Diptera), any of a large number of insects characterized by the use of only one pair of wings for flight and the reduction of the second pair of wings to knobs (called halteres) used for balance. The term fly is commonly used for almost any small flying insect . However, in  entomologythe name refers specifically to the approximately 125,000 species of  dipterans, or “true” flies, which are distributed throughout the world, including the subarctic and high mountains.

Dipterans are known by such common names as gants, midges,mosquitoes,, and leaf miners, in addition to numerous sorts of flies, including the horse fly,house fly,blow fly , and fruit, bee, robber, and crane flies. Many other species of insects are called flies (e.g., dragonflies,caddisflies, and mayflies), but their wing structures serve to distinguish them from true flies. Many species of dipterans are of great importance economically, and some, such as the common housefly and certain mosquitoes, are of importance as disease carriers. See  dipteran.

In summer, there are many flies and other flying insects on the farm. There are also large numbers of insects on farms. Insect patches are a nuisance to farming. The most annoying of these insects is the fly. Flies are not only a problem for farmers, they are also very annoying to ordinary people.Flies can transmit 50 kinds of diseases and important diseases affecting livestock and poultry farming, such as avian influenza, Newcastle disease, foot-and-mouth disease, swine fever, avian polychlorobacellosis, avian colibacillosis, coccidiosis, etc. When an outbreak occurs, it can accelerate the spread of epidemics, and large numbers of flies in livestock sheds can lead to irritability and contamination of eggshells. Fiies can also spread a variety of human infectious diseases, threatening the health of workers.

 So what should farmers do with flies?
 1. Physical control
 The physical prevention and control of livestock and poultry breeding fields is to timely clean up the excrement, especially pay attention to the dead corner of the excrement and sewage. Animal waste should be as dry as possible. To the livestock and poultry breeding farm garbage, sick and disabled livestock and poultry should be handled in time, from the source to eliminate or reduce the breeding ground of mosquitoes and flies.
 2. Biological control
 Biological control of mosquitoes and flies is to cultivate natural enemies in feces. Natural enemies of mosquitoes include dragonflies and gecko wasps. In natural conditions, there are almost no natural enemies of mosquitoes and flies in feces, and dry animal feces are conducive to the growth of natural enemies of mosquitoes and flies.Although these methods can kill flies in a short time, they cannot completely eliminate the flies. If you want to get rid of flies, you have to rely on the scientific method.The latest fly traps were born and imported from Germany. Half an hour after turning on the power, all the flies in the room disappeared, this is the most scientific method to eliminate flies, the most simple!This fly killer is a marketing myth, and more than 100, 000 households are using it. This is an excellent product that automatically catches flies! Suitable for farms, restaurants, restaurants, food markets, food processing plants and farms and other places.Flies have a strong smell of sugar, vinegar, ammonia and fishy. When the flies suck the bait, they will be driven to the fly trap with the rotation of the rotary plate.


Post time: May-19-2021