
Hebei Senton Supply–6-BA


Physicochemical property:

Sterling is White crystal,Industrial is white or Slight yellow,odourless.Melting point is 235C.It’s stable in Acid,alkali,can’t resolve in light and heat.Low dissolve in water,just 60mg/1,have high dissolve in Ethanol and acid.

Toxicity:It’s safe for People and animals,The male rat acute oral LDsois 2125mg/kg,The female rat acute oral LDois 2130mg/kg.The mice acute oral LDo is 1300mg/kg.For carp48h TLM value is 12-24mg/L.

Function introduction:

6-BA is the first synthetic cytokinin,it’s high-efficiency,stable,low cost and easy for use.Main function of 6-BA is promote bud form,induce callusogenesis.6-BA can be absorbed by seed,root,stem and leaf. 6-BA can inhibit Chlorophyll,nucleic acid,protein decomposition resolve in leaves,meanwhile to tranport amino acid,auxin,inorganic salt to dealed place.6-BA used to increase quality and quantity of tea,tobacco:Vegetables,fruit fresh keeping and No root sprouts cultivated,increase the quality of fruits and leaf.

Applieation and dosage:

Because different crops,different use method have different effects,so 6-BA have different dosage.Usual dosage is 0.5-2.0mg/L,used for spray and smear.Don’t increase dosage if no test.

Matters need attention:

Weak movability is the most important character of 6-BA,Physiological effects just limited in dealed parts and around.In application should consider deal method and deal parts.


Post time: Jul-29-2024