
Paclobutrazol 25%WP Application on Mango

Application technology on mango:Inhibit shoot growth

Soil root application: When mango germination reaches 2cm long, the application of 25% paclobutrazol wettable powder in the ring groove of the root zone of each mature mango plant can effectively inhibit the growth of new mango shoots, reduce nutrient consumption, significantly increase the number of flower buds, shorten the node length, dark green leaf color, increase chlorophyll content, increase leaf dry matter, and improve the cold resistance of flower buds. Increase fruit setting rate and yield significantly. Soil application has a continuous inhibitory effect due to continuous root absorption, and the dynamic fluctuation of new shoot growth is small. It has a significant inhibitory effect on new shoot growth of mango trees in the first year, a greater inhibitory effect on growth in the second year, and a moderate effect in the third year. High dose treatment still had strong inhibition on shoots in the third year. Soil application is easy to produce excessive inhibition phenomenon, the residual effect of the application is long, and the second year should be stopped.

Foliar spraying: When the new shoots grew to 30cm long, the effective inhibition period was about 20d with 1000-1500mg /L paclobutrazol , and then the inhibition was moderate, and the growth dynamics of new shoots fluctuated greatly.

Trunk application method: In the growing season or dormant period, the paclobutrazol  wettable powder is mixed with water in a small cup, and then applied on the branches below the main branches with a small brush, the amount is the same as that of soil application.

Note: The use of paclobutrazol  in mango trees should be strictly controlled according to the local environment and mango varieties, so as to avoid excessive inhibition of peach tree growth, paclobutrazol can not be used year after year.

Paclobutrazol  has obvious effect on fruit trees. A large-scale production test was carried out on mango trees with 4-6 years of age. The results showed that the treatment flowering was 12-75d earlier than the control, and the amount of flowers was large, the flowering was orderly, and the harvest time was also significantly earlier by 14-59d, with a significant increase in yield and good economic benefits.

Paclobutrazol  is a low toxicity and effective plant growth regulator widely used at present. It can inhibit the biosynthesis of gibberellin in plants, thus inhibiting plant vegetative growth and promoting flowering and fruit.

Practice has proved that 3 to 4 years old mango trees, each soil with 6 grams of commercial amount (effective ingredient 25%) of Paclobutrazol , can effectively inhibit the growth of mango branches and promote flowering. In September 1999, 3 year old Tainong No. 1 and 4 year old Aiwenmao and Zihuamang were treated with 6 g of commercial amount of paclobutrazol , which increased the earing rate by 80.7% to 100% compared with the control (without paclobutrazol ). The method of applying paclobutrazol is to open a shallow ditch in the drip line of the tree crown, dissolve paclobutrazol in water and evenly apply it to the ditch and cover it with soil. If the weather is dry within 1 month after application, water should be properly soaked to keep the soil moist.

Post time: Oct-18-2024