
Plant Growh Regulator Uniconazole 90%Tc, 95%Tc of Hebei Senton

Uniconazole, a triazole based plant growth inhibitor, has the main biological effect of controlling plant apical growth, dwarfing crops, promoting normal root growth and development, improving photosynthetic efficiency, and controlling respiration. At the same time, it also has the effect of protecting cell membranes and organelle membranes, enhancing plant stress resistance.


a. Cultivate strong seedlings to increase resistance to selection

Rice Soaking rice with 50 ~ 100mg/L medicinal solution for 24~36 h can make seedling leaves dark green, roots developed, increase tillering, increase ear and grain, and improve drought and cold resistance. (Note: Different varieties of rice have different sensitivity to enobuzole, glutinous rice > japonica rice > hybrid rice, the higher the sensitivity, the lower the concentration.)
Wheat Soaking wheat seeds with 10-60mg /L liquid for 24h or dry seed dressing with 10-20 mg/kg (seed) can inhibit the growth of above ground parts, promote root growth, and increase the effective panicle, 1000-grain weight and panicle number. To a certain extent, the negative effects of increasing density and decreasing nitrogen application on yield components can be alleviated. At the same time, under the treatment of low concentration (40 mg/L), the enzyme activity increased slowly, the integrity of the plasma membrane was affected, and the electrolyte exudation rate was affected relative increase. Therefore, the low concentration is more conducive to the cultivation of strong seedlings and improve the resistance of wheat.
Barley The seeds of barley soaked with 40 mg/L enobuzole for 20h can make the seedlings short and stout, the leaves dark green, the seedling quality improved, and the stress resistance enhanced.
Rape In the 2~3 leaf stage of rape seedlings, 50~100 mg/L liquid spray treatment can reduce the height of seedlings, increase the young stems, small and thick leaves, short and thick petioles, increase the number of green leaves per plant, chlorophyll content and root shoot ratio, and promote seedling growth. After transplanting in the field, the effective branch height decreased, the effective branch number and the Angle number per plant increased, and the yield increased.
Tomato Soaking tomato seeds with 20 mg/L concentration of endosinazole for 5h can effectively control the seedling growth, make the stem stout, ten color dark green, plant shape tend to the role of strong seedlings, can significantly improve the ratio of seedling stem diameter/plant height, and increase the robustness of seedlings.
Cucumber Soaking cucumber seeds with 5~20 mg/L of enlobuzole for 6~12 h can effectively control the seedling growth of cucumber, make the leaves dark green, the stems thick, the leaves thick, and promote the increase of the number of melons per plant, significantly improve the yield of cucumber.
Sweet pepper At 2 leaves and 1 heart stage, the seedlings were sprayed with 20 to 60mg/L of liquid medicine, which could significantly inhibit plant height, increase stem diameter, reduce leaf area, increase root/shoot ratio, increase SOD and POD activities, and significantly improve the quality of sweet pepper seedlings.
Watermelon Soaking watermelon seeds with 25 mg/L endosinazole for 2h could effectively control the seedling growth, increase stem thickness and dry matter accumulation, and enhance the growth of watermelon seedlings. Improve seedling quality.

b. Control vegetative growth to increase yield

Rice In the late stage of diversity (7d before jointing), rice was sprayed with 100~150mg/L of enlobuzole to promote tillering, dwarfing and increasing yield.
In the early stage of jointing, the whole plant of wheat was sprayed with 50-60 mg/L enlobuzole, which could control the elongation of internode, increase the anti-lodging ability, increase the effective spike, thousand grain weight and grain number per spike, and promote the yield increase.
Sweet sorghum When the plant height of sweet sorghum was 120cm, 800mg/L of enlobuzole was applied to the whole plant, the stem diameter of sweet sorghum was increased significantly, the plant height was decreased significantly, the lodging resistance was increased, and the yield was stable.
Millet At the heading stage, applying 30mg/L liquid medicine to the whole plant can promote the strengthening of the rod, prevent lodging, and increase the seed density with appropriate amount can significantly promote the yield increase.
Rape At the early stage of bolting to the height of 20cm, the whole plant of rape can be sprayed with 90~125 mg/L of liquid medicine, which can make the leaves dark green, leaves thickened, plants significantly dwarfed, taproot thickened, stems thick, effective branches increased, effective pod number increased, and promote yield increase.
Peanut In the late flowering period of peanut, spraying with 60~120 mg/L liquid medicine on the leaf surface can effectively control the growth of peanut plants and increase the flower production.
Soya bean In the early stage of soybean branching, spraying with 25~60 mg/L liquid medicine on the leaf surface can control plant growth, promote the increase of stem diameter, promote pod formation and increase yield.
Mung bean Spraying with 30 mg/L liquid medicine on the leaf surface of mung bean at the inking stage can control plant growth, promote leaf physiological metabolism, increase 100 grain weight, grain weight per plant and grain yield.
Cotton At the early flowering stage of cotton, leaf spraying with 20-50 mg/L liquid medicine can effectively control the length of cotton plant, reduce the height of cotton plant, promote the increase of boll number and boll weight of cotton plant, significantly increase the yield of cotton plant, and increase the yield by 22%.
Cucumber In the early flowering stage of cucumber, the whole plant was sprayed with 20mg/L of liquid medicine, which could reduce the number of segments per plant, increase the rate of melon formation, effectively reduce the first melon segment and deformity rate, and significantly increase the yield per plant.
Sweet potato, potato Applying 30~50 mg/L liquid medicine to sweet potato and potato can control the vegetative growth, promote the expansion of underground potato and increase the yield.
Chinese yam In the flowering and bud stage, spraying the yam with 40mg/L liquid once on the leaf surface can significantly inhibit the daily elongation of the overground stems, the time effect is about 20d, and can promote the yield increase. If the concentration is too high or the number of times is too much, the yield of the underground part of yam will be inhibited while the elongation of the stems above ground is inhibited.
Radish When three true radish leaves were sprayed with 600 mg/L liquid, the ratio of carbon to nitrogen in radish leaves was reduced by 80.2%, and the budding rate and bolting rate of plants were reduced effectively (decreased by 67.3% and 59.8%, respectively). The use of radish in spring counterseasonal production could effectively inhibit bolting, prolong the growth time of fleshy roots, and improve economic value.

c. Control the growth of branches and promote flower bud differentiation
In the summer shoot period of citrus, 100~120 mg/L enlobuzole solution was applied to the whole plant, which could inhibit the shoot length of citrus young trees and promote fruit setting.

When the first batch of male flowers of litchi flower spike opened in a small amount, spraying with 60 mg/L of enlobuzole could delay the flowering phenology, prolong the flowering period, significantly increase the number of male flowers, help to increase the initial fruit set amount, significantly increase the yield, induce the seed abortion of fruit and increase the rate of scorch.

After secondary core-picking, 100 mg/L of endosinazole combined with 500 mg/L of Yiyedan was sprayed twice for 14 days, which could inhibit the growth of new shoots, reduce the length of jujube heads and secondary branches, increase the coarser, compact plant type, enhance the fruit load of secondary branches and enhance the ability of jujube trees to resist natural disasters.

d. Promote coloring
Apples were sprayed with 50~200 mg/L liquid at 60d and 30d before harvesting, which showed significant coloring effect, increased soluble sugar content, decreased organic acid content, and increased ascorbic acid content and protein content. It has good coloring effect and can improve the quality of apples.

In the ripening stage of Nanguo pear, 100mg/L endobuzole +0.3% calcium chloride +0.1% potassium sulfate spray treatment can significantly increase the anthocyanin content, red fruit rate, soluble sugar content of fruit peel, and single fruit weight.

On 10d and 20d before fruit ripening, 50~100 mg/L of endosinazole was used to spray the ear of two grape varieties, “Jingya” and “Xiyanghong”, which could significantly promote the increase of anthocyanin content, the increase of soluble sugar content, the decrease of organic acid content, the increase of sugar-acid ratio and the increase of vitamin C content. It has the effect of promoting grape fruit coloring and improving fruit quality.

e. Adjust plant type to improve ornamental
Spraying 40~50 mg/L of endosinazole 3~4 times or 350~450 mg/L of endosinazole once in the growing period of ryegrass, tall fescue, bluegrass and other lawns can delay the growth rate of lawns, reduce the frequency of cutting grass, and reduce the cost of trimming and management. At the same time, it can increase the drought-resistant ability of plants, which is of great significance for water-saving irrigation of lawn.

Before the planting of Shandandan, the seed balls were soaked in 20 mg/L liquid for 40 min, and when the bud was 5~6 cm high, the stems and leaves were sprayed with the same concentration of liquid, treated once every 6 days until the buds were red through, which could significantly dwarf the plant type, increase the diameter, shorten the leaf length, add amaranth to the leaves and deepen the leaf color, and improve the appreciation value.

When the height of the tulip plant was 5cm, the tulip was sprayed with 175 mg/L enlobuzole for 4 times, the interval of 7 days, which could effectively control the dwarfing of tulips in season and off-season cultivation.

During the growing period of rose, 20 mg/L enlobuzole was sprayed on the whole plant for 5 times, an interval of 7 days, which could dwarf the plants, grow robuously, and the leaves were dark and shiny.

In the early vegetative growth stage of lily plants, spraying 40 mg/L of endosinazole on the leaf surface can reduce plant height and control plant type. At the same time, it can also increase the chlorophyll content, deepen the leaf color, and improve the ornamental.

Post time: Aug-08-2024